(Definition by Kikipedia)
"Magic Island"...a place neither magical nor an actual island.

P.P.S. I can't wait to see you both again very (hopefully!) soon!!! :)

FACT: I am an extreme sports MACHINE. Wait...what was that noise? Oh, it was just ♥MH - ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing). Yeah, okay maybe that was a slight fib. I'm not really an extreme sports kinda gal. If anything, I'm more of an extreme shopper, lol :) But ATV-ing, is in another category. I rock ATVs like its nobody's business.
So being the good hostess that I am, I wanted to share my ATV love with Kiki and Mike. We drove across the island and headed towards the "country." About an hour later, we ended up at Kualoa Ranch.
Many of you are familiar with this ranch - and don't even know it. These 4,000 acres of lush greenery have been featured in numerous movies and television shows. Which shows you ask? Try Jurassic Park, 50 First Dates, Godzilla, and LOST (my fave!). And these are just to name a few. On a scale of 1 - 10, this day ranked a million bazillion on the fun scale.
Aloha! (Hello!) Okay, confession time. Although I've lived most of my life in Hawaii, I had never attended an actual luau. As a kama'aina (local resident), we consider luaus to be more "touristy" than anything else. But since I was playing tourist with Kiki/Mike/Fam, I got to attend my first "official" luau.
So what exactly is a luau? Well, a luau is translated to mean "Hawaiian Feast." And feast we did. It was a total feast for our eyes, as well as for our 'opu (tummies). Germaine's Luau definitely set the bar on any luau-ing I may do in the future. 'Elua (two) thumbs up!
Growing up, I wanted to be a princess (a job title that still ranks number one in my book). I used to parade my tiara, and watch Disney movies with eyes as wide as saucers. Being rescued by Prince Charming? Riding off into the golden sunset of happily ever after? Count me in! I mean, what girl wouldn't want that, right?
But sometimes life doesn't always give us a happy ending. Photographer Dina Goldstein puts a unique and morbid twist on the Disney Princesses we grew up with. She asks the question "what if they didn't live happily ever after"?
Brilliant, yet heartbreaking.
Saturday night, the beginning of one of the busiest weekends that I've had in a long time. With MH still M.I.A., busy = good. Lil' J, Miki (Mike & Kiki), and I moseyed on over to the state fair for amusement park rides and good eats.
To tell you the truth, I think I'm turning into an old fogey (yikes!). So sad, but true. The rides were scarier than I remembered, and I even got whiplash from the bumper cars. Despite that we had a very good time! We ate huli huli chicken, won some carnival prizes, and even saw (my other bff) Mari & her hunnybuns. The best part of the night (in my opinion) was the now infamous lightsaber battle between "Luke Skywalker" (J) & "Darth Vader" (Mike). Crazy boys! How did it end? Well, good triumphed over evil of course!! What a way to cap off another fun night! :)
Just when I needed quick a pick-me-up, one of my bestest-friends-since-birth comes into town...and right in the nick of time. MH has been gone since Monday, and will be staying gone until who knows when. As I type this, he is staying in one of the southern states aiding his mother who is ill. For the past few days, I have been very lonely (*cue violin music) and in a state of poop. But my cousin Kiki came to rescue me (and also spend a lovely vacation in PARADISE!) with her main squeeze Mike & his fam bam. Seriously, she's like the asian Mighty Mouse. She swooped in from the risers - shouting "here I come to save the daaaayyyy!!" Her timing is impeccable.
On this fine evening (their second on the island so far), we met at one of the classiest, swankiest hotels on the island - the Halekulani. Amongst the swaying palms and lovely hula hands, we dined al fresco at the hotel's "House Without a Key." For several hours, I got to spend some (much needed!) quality time with my beautiful cousin. I ended my night happy. I love you guys, this was exactly what I needed. :)
A couple times a month, MH and I like to treat ourselves to a night out on the town. What was the cause for our random celebration? Well, it was Tuesday of course! We got over the icky disease known as Monday-itis, and successfully moved one day closer to the weekend! Yeeehawwww!!
My intense craving for oh-so-succulent prime rib, led us to Willows Restaurant in Moili'ili (downtown Honolulu). According to their (website) Willows is Hawaii's Original Garden Restaurant. It sits upon one acre of lush tropical gardens, native Hawaiian flowers, and cascading waterfalls. It's also known for their yum-o-licious food, awesome buffet, and (in my opinion) killer prime rib!(*sigh) Hana hou, MH? :)
This past Monday, MH and I took Lil' J (my wee wittle munchkin) to Sea Life Park. It was a really, really, (really to the zillionth power) superly H-O-T day!!! Aside from the hotness, the $9 hamburgers (luckily for us, the cashier gave us her kama'aina (local Hawaii resident) discount), and the so-so next-to-average shaved ice - it was a pretty funtastic day :)