Aloha! (Hello!) Okay, confession time. Although I've lived most of my life in Hawaii, I had never attended an actual luau. As a kama'aina (local resident), we consider luaus to be more "touristy" than anything else. But since I was playing tourist with Kiki/Mike/Fam, I got to attend my first "official" luau.
So what exactly is a luau? Well, a luau is translated to mean "Hawaiian Feast." And feast we did. It was a total feast for our eyes, as well as for our 'opu (tummies). Germaine's Luau definitely set the bar on any luau-ing I may do in the future. 'Elua (two) thumbs up!

ooh i've never been there but looks soo yummies!!!
I've been to Paradise Cove, but not Germaine's. Looks like fun!
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