I am not a car person. I know three basic things: where to stick the key, where to put the gas, and...um....well, I know those two basic things. My mechanic (a.k.a. MH) takes care of all my car needs. Don't ask me how much horsepower it has - I don't know anything about horses. Or what make/model the car is - Was it made in Taiwan? I don't know, and I don't care. I have no real interest in cars. I don't even really like to drive...
The very idea of me attending a car show is pretty absurd. Yet, I attended one at the Aloha Tower Marketplace. It was unintentional and more accidental than anything else. I actually went to the Aloha Tower to eat. Me like to eat.
Here are some pictures of that day. And please don't ask me what kind of cars these are. With the exception of the last one (which is probably the prettiest car I've ever seen in my life!) I have no clue.

helloe kitty you are awesome!!!
Best car descriptions ever.
omg i totally spelt hk wrong!!! my humble apologies oh kawaii ne one!! :/
The lop-sided cars are the best.
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