A few days before the Li Wedding, I was asked by Jennifer from Hawaii Tents & Events to take some promotional shots for her company. To say that I was excited would be a dull statement. I was over-rover-beyond-the-moon excited. If I wore socks, I'd jump out of them. I usually either wear stilettos or ballet flats so that statement unfortunately does not apply to me. But before I ramble on and on, let me just say that it was a wonderful opportunity. And I was only too happy to accomodate her request.
Upon arrival to the wedding location, and the first thing I spy is a massive white tent. Personally I thought it was a great choice. It was spacious and airy. There was plenty of breathing room for their guests to move around comfortably. A tent is the perfect fit for any outdoor wedding (or event) because it provides the necessary protection from the elements (sweltering heat, wind, and rain). And although big, it also does not spoil or take away from Hawaii's panoramic views. It adds a touch of elegance to any outdoor event.
The next thing I noticed was the arch. OH. MY. GAWD. How gorgeous! Its bamboo frame stood tall in the distance. Long, white, sheaths of fabric billowed in the wind. The setup was beautiful. And it oozed out fabulousness and exerted class.
Overall I thought that they did a great job. They really dropped jaws, and totally upped the W-O-W factor ten-fold.

wow. it looks like something straight out of the movies! beautiful!!!
These photo's are ABSOLUTELY B-E-A-utiful!!! great job! Heading to the fast track in publicity quick! Love You!
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