My blogging voice, that is.
The only way that I can start this off is by saying, HOLY COW. It's been two months since my last post and its already almost Christmas. I got so lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, that I involuntarily pushed aside the simple things that made me happy. Photography. Crafts. Dance-offs. :)
It sounds silly but I literally forgot how to relax. I had stress seeping out of my pores and overflowing my eyeballs. I had so much on my plate that I could've fed all of the Gosselin, Duggar, and Brangelina kids. Easy. But sometimes, you just have to break away and start standing up for the one person you've neglected the most...yourself.
With that said, I offer you (dear sanity) this auspicious and official decree:
I WILL stop and smell the roses. I WILL learn to exhale. And I WILL return to the roots of what I love.
{And because posts are always better with pictures, I leave you with an image of what I was up to last night. 3 hours of down time + 1-2 paper cuts = only five Christmas cards. But I got to create again. And I loved every second of it :}
but you only spend it once." - Lillian Dickson

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