Last week Friday, MH & I had the pleasure of attending the All-Natro CD Release Party/Concert. We were there like mullets (the bad 80's hair faux pas) - total business in the front/party in the back! Why business? Well, first lemme give you some background on how I "know" the band. My friend Toby is the lead guitarist/singer in the group and I've known him for (hold on, lemme count) TWELVE years! Holy Batmobile! I didn't realize it was THAT long!
Anyways a couple of weeks ago, Toby and I got to talking, and he invited us to join them at their concert. So by "joining them" he meant he would give us the major hook ups: V.I.P. treatment + the chance to shoot my first concert, which equaled an AMAZING opportunity! So where did I get to go? Um, it was more like where didn't I get to go? V.I.P. lounge balcony? (*check!) In FRONT of the front row?? (*checkity-check!!) FROM the stage??? (*check! check!! check!!!).
The energy in that venue was awesome!! All-Natro was awesome!!! As MH is my witness, I could not stop saying the word "awesome" the whole night! It was THAT awesome! Thank you guys for the one of the awesomest opportunities/nights I've had in a long time!!!

Simply Awesome!!!
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