About a month ago, MH turned the BIG 3-0. In commemoration of this HUGE milestone, I wanted to throw him the most awesome-est, special-est, radical-est birthday party of his life. Okay, okay that might be reaching a little bit. But I at least wanted this party to potentially reach top five in his "all-time-greatest-parties-ever-thrown" book.
A little fun fact about MH. He is a huge, huge, (and I mean HUGE) movie buff. He has about a thousand DVDs in his collection. It's scary that I'm not even remotely joking. MH is especially fond of 80's movies. One of his favorites is a 1985 flick called "Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon." I've never even heard of this movie before meeting MH, but of course my handicap didn't last very long. MH owns several copies of this same movie, because he likes to spread the Sho' Nuff & (Bruce) Leroy Green (characters in the film) "love" around. How cute (and slightly fanatical) is that? :)
With that said, I thought that his 30th birthday party should be a collaboration of all of his favorite things. MH loves movies, so why not rent out a small movie theater as the party venue? He loves "The Last Dragon," so of COURSE that's the movie that should be playing in the theater. I ordered and made (with the help of one of my bff's (*shout out to Lei!!) all of his favorite foods/beverages/desserts. Everything else (invites, favors, etc.) was DIY. Here are a few pictures of MH's special day :)

(OMG, Yummmmm!!!)

(which included a box of popcorn, theater candy, and a hotdog)

Probably, THE coolest cake I have ever seen! MH LOVED it!
Thanks Rick & Sasha!!(Cakelava)

(Can you guess who wrapped the bottom RH gift?) :)
The BEST part (well to me, anyways) was the fact that the entire party was a SURPRISE!!! Little tidbit about me - I'm one of the worst liars in the world. I'm a terrible liar. Everytime MH brought up his birthday, I would make something up and immediately start giggling. I had planned out his party for months. Trying to keep secrets from him (for THAT long!) was tough. I felt bad for telling fibs, but my "lies" turned out to be well worth it in the end! Yessssss!! I FINALLY surprised "Mr. Surpriser" himself! Whooop whooop!! Hope you enjoyed this year's birthday MH!! ♥

I wanted those Muddy Bears! =(
Why wasn't I there!?!?!?!
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