
{i'm featured!}

I was beyond thrilled when one of the event coordinators, Jennifer from Hawaii Tents & Events contacted me yesterday to let me know that she chose to feature an arch shot from the Li wedding on their website. I was like Whaaaaaaaatttt!? Omg.

She also let me know that she listed {simply*awesome} PHOTOGRAPHY under the company's "Links of Interest" page!

And THEN it was brought to my attention that the band All-Natro featured my blog under their "media" news!

A special thanks once again to Hawaii Tents & Events, Jennifer, Alan & Gina Li, and once again my friends at All-Natro!
Here's to the first (two) of hopefully many more amazing features to come! I feel like such a proud mama! :)

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I'm allergic to several things. Nickel (this is actually my real life kryptonite), Clowns, Dr. Pepper, Miscellaneous pizza toppings(tomatoes/olives/mushrooms), Athletic shoes (a.k.a. concrete slabs - I sincerely hate them!), and Mondays. Especially Mondays. I loathe them. They're weekend ruiners and basically the scum sucking slime of the earth. I wish we could fast forward right into Tuesdays. If you haven't guessed already, I'm just venting because I had a TERRIBLE Monday.

If I were Harry Potter I'd use my magical wizard powers to erase Mondays and "ctrl v" this image into the void instead. Watching the waves always gives me a sense of peace and serenity.

Anyways, let's all consider the permanent overthrow of Mondays. Write a letter to your local congressman, tell your grandma, I don't know just do something. Think about it - it would be one less weekday of traffic, headache, and hassle. One day closer til Friday. And let's face it, Fridays are ALWAYS awesome :)

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{hawaii tents & events}

A few days before the Li Wedding, I was asked by Jennifer from Hawaii Tents & Events to take some promotional shots for her company. To say that I was excited would be a dull statement. I was over-rover-beyond-the-moon excited. If I wore socks, I'd jump out of them. I usually either wear stilettos or ballet flats so that statement unfortunately does not apply to me. But before I ramble on and on, let me just say that it was a wonderful opportunity. And I was only too happy to accomodate her request.

Upon arrival to the wedding location, and the first thing I spy is a massive white tent. Personally I thought it was a great choice. It was spacious and airy. There was plenty of breathing room for their guests to move around comfortably. A tent is the perfect fit for any outdoor wedding (or event) because it provides the necessary protection from the elements (sweltering heat, wind, and rain). And although big, it also does not spoil or take away from Hawaii's panoramic views. It adds a touch of elegance to any outdoor event.

The next thing I noticed was the arch. OH. MY. GAWD. How gorgeous! Its bamboo frame stood tall in the distance. Long, white, sheaths of fabric billowed in the wind. The setup was beautiful. And it oozed out fabulousness and exerted class.

Overall I thought that they did a great job. They really dropped jaws, and totally upped the W-O-W factor ten-fold.

Hawaii Tents & Events = Classic. Chic. Timeless :)

On a note of credit, the first picture was taken by the studmuffin known as MH and the rest taken by yours truly :)

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{jared + lei: lovestory {part two}

I originally had big dreams for doing this shoot {lovestory: {part two} smack-dab in the middle of Waikiki. It was the lights and energy of the "big city" that drew me in. But those dreams were shut down real quick thanks to Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Depression/Butthead Felicia. The weather vomited out a whole lot of rain, humidity, general icky-ness. It was just plain gross to be outside. But Jared and Lei were troopers and showed "Felicia" exactly what they were workin' wit. They both dug deep into their awesome arsenal and brought out moves guaranteed to put any ANTM (America's Next Top Model) contestant to shame.

Aside from being bff's/bff-in-laws - MH and I relish any and every opportunity to spend time with these guys because they're just so fun to be around. They always bring laughter and radness to the table...and this time was no different. On behalf of MH and I - thank you guys for another fun-filled evening. Obviously this blog will be seeing much more of you both. Perhaps {part three, four, five, etc} of your lovestory in the near future? :)

The calm before....

...a fit of giggles :)

You can just see the love in their eyes.


Work it girl!!! :)

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{alan + gina: {wedding teaser}

A little sneak peek from the newly dubbed Mr. & Mrs. Li's wedding on Saturday...

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{all natro cd release party: deuxième partie}

Wowzers, has it already been THREE whole months since the infamous All-Natro rager at "the Pipe"? Yup. And did I just use the word "rager" and refer to the Pipeline Cafe as "the Pipe"? You know it! 'Cause I'm awesome like that :)

Anywho, before I subject you to further dork-isms...here are a few more pics of the soon-to-be legendary reggae band from Hawaii known as All-Natro. To see more, contact, or book them please visit their myspace page.

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