

Although Christmas has already come and went, I wanted to do a quick *blink-and-you'll-miss-it* post about some of the holiday lights we saw.

In almost every neighborhood on Oahu, there's an area known as "Christmas Lane." A row or street of houses where the magic of Christmas reigns supreme via throngs of sparkly lights, lights, and even more lights. Basically it features homes that look like it was caught in an upchuck of seasonal Christmas decorations. And I seriously mean that in the best, NON-Scrooge-y way possible :)

There was one house in particular that caught my eye. Let's see if you can catch it...


A "open house" garage of beautifully decorated Christmas trees with Sister Awesome and Lil' J in the background.

*singing* "Do you see, what I see?"

Would you consider this a Christmas faux-pas? Or smart marketing? Hmmm...

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

whoo hoo for Christmas!!!!